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Heart & BloodPain & InflammationSkin & Beauty

Trans Resveratrol Capsules 300mg (30 days, 60 pc.)

Sale price€29,00

#1 Bestseller in Heart & Blood

#1 Bestseller in Antioxidants

Optimal formula of Trans-Resveratrol (600mg per serving).

For someone looking for a strong antioxidant, combating free radicals in all over the body.

Benefits of L Cell Resveratrol® capsules:

  • Heart & Blood. Contributes to normal heart function and maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood.
  • Pain & Inflammation. Normalizes inflammation and immune system responses.
  • Bones & Joints. Contributes to maintenance of normal bones.
  • Longevity. Resveratrol is a senomorhpic that blocks spread of SASP (the cause of cellular inflammation) and antioxidant that defends our cells from the harmful free radicals.

You can choose this product between capsules and powder:

Trans Resveratrol Capsules 300mg (30 days, 60 pc.)
Trans Resveratrol Capsules 300mg (30 days, 60 pc.) Sale price€29,00


300-600mg (1-2 capsules of 300mg)


1-2 capsules, ideally during the breakfast meal. Swallow with water.


3-4 weeks


High quality Japanese Knotweed extract

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol, a stilbenoid with antioxidant properties, acts as a natural defense molecule synthesized by plants under stress conditions.

Primarily concentrated in the skin and seeds of red grapes, peanuts, and berries, it has emerged as a subject of intense research due to its potential health benefits.

Resveratrol might promote longevity, reduce inflammation, and improve cardiovascular health by combating free radicals through its antioxidant properties.

While you can get resveratrol from foods, the most efficient way to absorb resveratrol is the high concentration chamomile capsules or powder.

How does Resveratrol work?

Resveratrol capsules act like a cellular guardian within your body.

They activate proteins that have a protective effect, shielding cells from damage caused by free radicals, molecules linked to aging. Research suggests

Resveratrol might benefit your heart health by improving blood flow and potentially regulating blood sugar levels through its cellular influence.

Some early studies show promise for its role in brain function and inflammation reduction.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Aš naudojau rastveratrolį, galiu pasakyti, kad tikrai atsirado daugiau energijos,miegas tapo gilesnis. Produktas tikrai geras, parekomenduosiu draugams. Man patinka ,kad jūsų parduodamuose papilduose nėra papildomų priedų. Labai norėčiau sužinoti, kokiose valstybėse jie yra gaminami,nes,parašymas ES, nėra labai konkretu.Dar mane domina kuo beta NMN skiriasi nuo paprasto NMN ir kur jis yra gaminamas.Aptarnavimas puikus. Labai patinka, kad galima gauti atsakymus į dominančius klausimus

Puiku tai, kad greitas ir malonus…

Puiku tai kad greitas ir malonus aptarnavimas o apie produkto kokybę tiksliai neišeina pasakyti nes vartojim pasekmes "pamatysi" dar negreit

Patogiai įpakuoti papildai

Patogiai įpakuoti papildai, greitas pristatymas

Nuoširdus ir kokybiškas…

Nuoširdus ir kokybiškas aptarnavimas.Resvetrolis šiek tiek mažina kraujospūdį .Naudinga turintiems padidėjusį.

Mūsų produktus taip pat galite rasti:

Virtual visit to our laboratory

Formulated by cellular health scientists

Effectiveness of longevity supplements dramatically depends on correct usage method, dosage and synergy between each other.

Our products have been formulated in collaboration with nutritional experts of UCL (London) and biogenetics scientists of Vilnius University to ensure maximum anti-aging elements absorption into cells.

What is Longevity and Healthy Aging?

200 years long lifetime. That is not just a slogan, but also a realistic goal.

In 1961 American scientist Leonard Hayflick has discovered that most human cells are capable to divide up to 60 times before they die.

Upon every divison they mutate slightly and loose some of the original DNA epigenome information, making our bodies increasingly older and proner to diseases.

Luckily, scientific achievements of recent 20 years have proven that there are ways to slow down and even reverse the degeneration process.

To article: "How do our bodies get old?"

Frequently Asked Questions